Click [HERE] for a preview of the ebook which evolved from my dissertation (the complete version is a gift to all of my clients).
What is Traditional Naturopathy and How Can it Help You?I completed my Doctorate in (Traditional) Naturopathy (ND) in 2010 at the Trinity College of Natural Health, focusing in my dissertation on the benefits to longevity (lifespan and healthspan) of eating a whole foods plant-based diet. In 2021, I became a Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional, always diving deeper into the holistic naturopathic basis for mental wellness. I have incorporated this training into my work as a Transformation Health/Life Coach and Holistic Psychotherapist.
If you've never heard of term naturopathy before, it refers to the way humans actually heal best...gently, naturally, and holistically, from the inside out, addressing the body, mind, and spirit. It rejects the drug and surgery quick-fix approach of modern Western medicine and replaces it with a more careful and thorough consideration of the causes of the illness and how to completely and permanently remove it. It advocates simple, natural, and safe methods such as changes to diet and nutrition, exercise and rest, relationships, and stress management, and incorporates auxiliary methods such as herbs, bodywork, fasting, and meditation.
Traditional naturopathy refers to using only remedies, therapies, solutions, changes which don't involve anything artificial (man-made), such as powerful drugs or chemicals, surgeries or other similarly harsh treatments. Rather, the treatments which provide the most help with the least amount of harmful side effects are gently and frequently applied and help us heal gradually. These include a healthy diet and nutrition, clean air and water, access to sunlight, exercise and rest, healthy relationships, positive thinking, meaningful work, a life's purpose, a connected spirituality. Just as it takes us a long time to develop disease, it takes time to undo it. Patience and acceptance of our hurting, damaged selves is part of the healing process. |
6 Principles of Naturopathy
1. The Healing Power of Nature - Trust in the body’s inherent wisdom to heal itself.
2. Identify and Treat the Causes - Look beyond the symptoms to the underlying cause.
3. First Do No Harm - Utilize the most natural, least invasive and least toxic therapies.
4. Doctor as Teacher - Educate patients in the steps to achieving and maintaining health.
5. Treat the Whole Person - View the body as an integrated whole in all its physical and spiritual dimensions.
6. Prevention - Focus on overall health, wellness and disease prevention.
2. Identify and Treat the Causes - Look beyond the symptoms to the underlying cause.
3. First Do No Harm - Utilize the most natural, least invasive and least toxic therapies.
4. Doctor as Teacher - Educate patients in the steps to achieving and maintaining health.
5. Treat the Whole Person - View the body as an integrated whole in all its physical and spiritual dimensions.
6. Prevention - Focus on overall health, wellness and disease prevention.
Traditional naturopaths help people achieve their wellness goals by addressing the whole person--the body, mind, and spirit. Disease begins in the spirit, then moves to the mind, and finally to the body. Every physical illness has a cause, and it can be related to a habit, a relationship, one's environment, one's thoughts and feelings, one’s heredity and role models growing up, one's lack of connection to others, to God, to life. Exploring the whole person is essential to learning how to help a person improve his/her life and become more peaceful and at ease, thus removing his/her dis-ease. When the spirit is damaged, often when we are in a vulnerable place (such as when we are children or when we suffer a trauma), the mind tries to explain it and creates a story. We then modify our behavior to accommodate the story, in order to survive. Years later, we don't need the story anymore, but we are creatures of habit. We keep it, and it no longer serves us. In fact, our old stories can lead us down the path to ruin!
How is a traditional naturopath different than a medical doctor?
A traditional naturopath is first and foremost a teacher and guide, is not a medical doctor, and does not practice medicine, diagnose illness, prescribe drugs, or perform surgery. A naturopathic coach is in general less directive than a doctor and develops a partnership with you to create goals which are realistic, positive, and satisfying to you. A naturopathic coach holds you accountable, and can be as tough as you want or need him/her to be; however, a naturopath does not take responsibility for your healing. YOU are the only one who can heal you. A naturopathic coach is there to inspire you, guide you, follow up on you, give you acceptance and validation, and hold you accountable to your own goals and dreams. Sometimes the process involves revising those goals and dreams along the way. That is always your choice. A naturopathic coach is more like a counselor than a doctor; however, unless a coach is a licensed therapist, s/he is not qualified to treat mental illness and should refer you to an appropriate specialist if that is an issue for you. Another difference is that rather than focusing on disease and cure, the naturopathic coach focuses on wellness, prevention, and increasing the overall health of the body, mind, and soul. Modern research is finally catching up to this understanding, now showing that the strength of our immune system has as much or more to do with getting sick as does our exposure to illness in the first place. Cancer is an immune system disorder, and so is diabetes, to a large extent. Stress and not caring for ourselves attacks and weakens our immune systems. Living happy and healthy lives is about changing the way we live and not about just taking a pill. Naturopathic coaches can work in partnership with your doctor to insure that all your medical needs are being met while you return to health.
What does a naturopathy coaching session look like?
A session could look like a typical talk counseling session, with you and your naturopath sitting together and talking about you or meeting on the phone or online using a videoconferencing application on your computer or mobile device. Some naturopaths prefer to meet clients virtually via phone or online after the first session, to make it easier logistically. That said, naturopathy sessions can be flexible depending on your need and interest as well as your coach’s training and experience, and could involve learning meditation/relaxation, how to practice yoga or tai chi, how to prepare healthy food, developing a menu plan, or meeting at your home initially to assess your pantry, refrigerator, and food equipment. It's up to you and your naturopath what format works for you, what you want to learn, and what issues need to be addressed. Most sessions are at least an hour in length.
What is the recommended frequency for sessions? How long will it take to see results?
In order to replace not-so-healthy habits with better ones, we need to practice new habits regularly. We also need support, encouragement, and to be held accountable. Many people feel that meeting with their coach at least twice per month is a good frequency to accomplish the change they want to happen. Naturopathy clients might see some changes right away, as they become more aware of their goals and dreams and start feeling support to make them happen. In order to make changes to ingrained habits, however, and begin to see significant changes in their bodies as well, it takes on average at least three to six months of sustained, consistent practice of new habits. This includes changes to diet, exercise, rest, thought patterns, relaxation practice, relationships, etc. In-person coaching sessions are best supplemented by unlimited email contact and opportunities each month to meet online or in the community with others who are also seeking to improve their health holistically and naturally.
What Makes a Good Naturopath?
When shopping for someone to help you realize your holistic health goals, consider hiring a naturopath who appears to truly care about you, who makes sure you are not harmed, who helps you to realize your own dreams by listening to you, promoting your strengths, respecting your limitations, helping you push your edge, and not giving up on you. A successful holistic natural health naturopath has a good amount of knowledge about many aspects of living a well-rounded, integral life. S/he is trained, certified and/or licensed, and is professional and competent when presenting his/her programs, options, and policies. S/he is clear about what s/he can and cannot do, what your mutual obligations are, and his/her fees. More importantly, a good naturopath has also walks the talk. S/he looks healthy. S/he sounds happy. S/he is optimistic, positive, and encouraging. You can tell if you are with this person, because s/he inspires you to learn what s/he knows. You feel excited and more happy around him/her. You want to grow and learn more. You feel inspired and encouraged! So, what are you waiting for? Hire your holistic, natural naturopath today and achieve the wellness and happiness you’ve always wanted!
Click [HERE] to start your journey of transformation and healing on the PhoenixWay today!